Burrrrrr! It's getting chilly out there! It's so much easier to get into the holiday spirit when the weather changes! Just want to remind all managers and team members that when the holidays roll around, and the economy is in the mess it is, there are people that become desperate. Just watching the news in the evenings you hear about the random shootings, robberies, and break-ins. This time of year we need to be extra cautious and more dilligent around the safety policies and procedures. Make sure you follow trash procedures, keep doors locked during non-business hours, use the 'buddy system' when exiting at closing time, managers: don't take the deposit to the bank at the same time every day. If you are nervous about opening the door the local police will come to the restaurant to ensure you make it to your cars safely. Make sure all team members know where the panic buttons are located, and they are always consious of their surroundings. Drivers must be especially careful as they are in their own cars and going up to strangers homes. Drivers keep your doors locked at ALL TIMES. Do not deliver to a home if you are suspicious for any reason. Do not carry large amounts of money. These are just a few things that can help keep us all safe!